Dear Mr. and Mrs. Akleman:

I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear of the loss of Andrew.
I was in complete tears yesterday after the notification and am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of such a great person and friend. My deepest sympathies go out to you during this most tragic time.

Andrew and I had many nice times together during our year in Germany as well as during my visit to Edinburgh. Because of our different geographic locations, I had not seen Andrew lately, but did keep in touch with him. We always had great laughs via e mail and on the telephone. I last spoke with him on the telephone in August/September in Leeds, before I went to Germany for two months for work. We talked about his time in Bosnia, and his travels all the way to Tibet. I cannot tell you how much I admired his intelligence and desire to always learn and adventure. I always considered Andrew one of the most intelligent people I had ever met. He was such a nice, friendly person. He was a true, sincere friend to me. I was always bugging him to come and visit in New York. I really wanted to see him.

Mr. and Mrs. Akleman, you were so nice to me during my visit to Istanbul and I will never forget it. Thank you again so much for that wonderful hospitality. I will certainly keep in touch and want to offer you any sort of support or help I can. If you are ever in New York or the USA, please contact me. You are always welcome, and I will certainly contact you when I return to Turkey.

You and Andrew are in my prayers. I know these times must be terribly hard. I am going to so dearly miss my great friend.

Yours Truely,

Thomas Dammeyer